Three weeks prior to returning back to Intercession City and hosting the Koinonia Intercessors Gathering, Father spoke to Arabella and said: “Go on Facebook live and release my voice every day until you enter the City.” Then He said: “As you (release my voice) I will command, order, align and create into my Intercessors lives daily. On one of the Facebook live videos Arabella began to feel this fullness and announced: “There is an Intercessor out there birthing.” Then the Lord said: “Why can’t that be you?” Arabella responded: “What am I birthing? He began to show the timeline that there were nine months from the time you married Wesley on Sep 25th until the time of your arrival on June 25th to your new home near Intercession City. Also, the Koinonia Intercessors Gathering held July 5-7, 2018 was exactly nine months from the very beginning when we held our first 24 hour Convergence in Intercession City on October 6-7, 2017, (Feast of Tabernacles Convergence). Many of the Intercessors began experiencing birthing pains in the Spirit for the rebirth of Intercession City on July 6, 2018, during the Koinonia Intercessors Gathering. In fact, there were twin birthing believed to be God's GRACE and MERCY over Intercession City.
The Second Feast of Tabernacle Convergence was held September 23-24, 2018, on the very spot where one of the 24-7 Prayer Cabins stood (The Music Emporium)on Old Tampa Highway near the Community Wesleyan Church and Post Office